Saturday, March 3, 2012

2 new hats for 2 good friends

Participating in my 2nd annual American Birkiebeiner not only inspired me to update my own fair isle head wear from this to this, but also got me thinking about the heads of  my close friends and supporters.  Heading to Hayward with 3 skiers and 3 supporters I was internally insistent that all Birkie Fever Participants, whether they skied or cheered,  should have their very own fair isle hat.  To do this, I was more than willing to make that happen.   And thus was born 2 new hats for 2 good friends.  The one on the right was for Danielle; I adjusted it from the Talkeetna pattern on Ravelry.  The one on the left was for Emily.  I adjusted the pattern from the Endless Rose Hat found on Ravelry.
I gave each lady their respective hats on their birthday/almost half birthday, both of which happened to fall mid February, just in time for Birkie Fever.
I loved seeing my work on my good friends.  Notice the middle hat?  It's my Birkie 2011 hat.  I am starting to think if I should start a new Birkie hat tradition.

1 comment:

  1. Do you share the modifications you made for the Endless Rose pattern? I love the border too...
